Current Prayer Requests

  • Pray that all will fall in place for the new ALWC building.

  • Pray for our Great country – United States of America.

  • Pray for the growth of our church body.

  • Continued prayer for healing for Rosie Bennett as she deals with

    residual pain in her back and neck.

  • Pray for Guy Laliberte, Bella’s father, quick recovery from

    prostate surgery.

  • Pray for Bella Laliberte for direction about finding another


  • Pray for Yvette as she goes through surgery on the 19th of this month for breast cancer.

  • Pray for God’s Favor on Juliet as her Greencard and work permit package is submitted to the government.

  • Traveling mercies for Carlos’s parents who are coming to stay for

    a couple of weeks this month.

  • Pray for Bill Greer, Kaitlynn’s grandfather, Kevin’s FIL, who is still

    in the hospital.